In einer Zeit, in der das Bewusstsein für Umweltfragen einen großen Stellenwert einnimmt, eröffnen sich in der Logistikbranche immer mehr innovative Lösungen, die nicht nur ökonomisch sinnvoll sind, sondern auch aktiv zur Bewältigung der Klimawandel-Herausforderungen beitragen. Eine wegweisende Initiative, ist „Charge Your Truck“. Diese visionäre Strategie revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Lastkraftwagen geladen werden, und minimiert dabei den ökologischen Fußabdruck. Mit der kürzlich eröffneten Multi-User-Fläche von Park Your Truck in Wolfsburg, setzt die Initiative ein beeindruckendes Zeichen für nachhaltige Logistiklösungen.

Die Multi-User-Fläche in Wolfsburg verkörpert eines der Herzstücke der Charge Your Truck-Initiative. Diese innovative Fläche markiert nicht nur einen bedeutsamen Schritt für die Region, sondern auch einen wichtigen Fortschritt für die gesamte Transportbranche und konnte durch Fördermittel realisiert werden. Ein bedeutender Aspekt der Multi-User-Fläche von Charge Your Truck ist die Idee der gemeinsamen Ressourcennutzung. Bisher waren Unternehmen in Industriegebieten gezwungen, ihre eigenen Ladestationen aufzubauen, was häufig zu Überkapazitäten führt. Die Multi-User-Fläche dreht dieses Modell um: Unternehmen kommen auf einem einzigen multifunktionalen Parkplatz zusammen. Auf dem gesicherten Parkplatz können Fahrer nicht nur laden sondern auch vorstauen, Mahlzeiten einnehmen sowie Ruhezonen und saubere Sanitäranlagen nutzen. Dieser kollaborative Ansatz optimiert nicht nur die Ressourcennutzung, sondern minimiert auch Verschwendung und fördert einen effizienten Energieverbrauch.

Die nachhaltige Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der heutigen Zeit des Klimaschutzes. Charge Your Truck setzt diesen Gedanken konsequent um, indem es grüne Energie für die Lkw-Aufladung verwendet und dadurch Treibhausgasemissionen reduziert sowie die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen verringert. Diese Maßnahmen sind von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Entwicklung eines umweltfreundlicheren Transportsektors.

Die Multi-User-Fläche in Wolfsburg ist nicht nur ein Symbol für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit, sondern auch ein echter Wendepunkt in der Transportbranche. Die strategische Lage an bedeutenden Autobahnen wie der A2 und A7 unterstreicht ihre Rolle als zentrale Anlaufstelle für Fahrer und Spediteure. Die Multi-User-Fläche verkörpert den zukunftsweisenden Ansatz von Charge Your Truck, der eine effiziente Nutzung von Ressourcen, die Förderung erneuerbarer Energien und eine starke Zusammenarbeit in den Mittelpunkt stellt.

Mit der Eröffnung dieser Fläche in Wolfsburg zeigt Charge Your Truck, dass nachhaltige Lösungen und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Hand in Hand gehen können. Die Multi-User-Fläche in Wolfsburg ist nicht nur ein Modell für die Zukunft der Logistikbranche, sondern auch ein Lichtblick in einer Zeit, in der innovative Lösungen dringend gebraucht werden, um die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels anzugehen.





Denise Schuster | Founder and CEO




René Stahl | Managing Director

+49 171 9196117


Unser Erfolgsgeheimnis ist die Akquise von Flächenbesitzern in Deutschland, die wir mit unserem einfachen Konzept zu LkW-Parkplatzbetreibern gemacht haben.
Der Grundstein hierfür ist unsere Reservierungsplattform www.park-your-truck.com. Wir akquirieren LkW-Parkplätze auf Freiflächen von Firmengeländen, Speditionshöfen, Tankhöfen, Häfen … und die LkW-Fahrer reservieren über unser Portal einen Stellplatz auf ihrer Tour.

Schauen Sie doch auf https://wirtschaft.dessau-rosslau.de/de/unternehmen/logistik/park-your-truck-gmbh.html, hier erhalten Sie weitere Infos über uns.

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir für unser Team einen Tiefbauer m/w/d. Sie sollten über eine Ausbildung und/oder über gute Kenntnisse im Bereich des Tiefbaues verfügen.

Die Tätigkeit umfasst:

die Planung der erforderlichen Tiefbauarbeiten sowie die Ausführung von kleinen Projekten zur Installation von Ladesäulen im öffentlichen und nicht öffentlichen Bereich.

Dabei werden Sie von unserem Bau-Team und unserem Elektroplanungs-Team unterstützt.

Ihr Profil:

Befähigung, Baufahrzeuge zu führen (z.B. Minibagger, Radlader)
Sie sind in Besitz eines gültigen Führerschein Klasse B.
Sie haben die Fähigkeit Leitungsauskünfte/Schachtschein einzuholen.
Sie verfügen über Erfahrung im Lesen von Schachtplänen
Sie haben die Fähigkeit, Planmaterial für die Sparten Telekommunikation, Gas, Wasser, Abwasser und  Elektro lesen zu können.

Ihr Arbeitsplatz:

Sie arbeiten in einem kleinen Team mit flachen Hierarchien und hoher eigener Entscheidungsgewalt. Es erwartet Sie ein homogenes Team mit einem sehr familiären Betriebsklima, wo Ihre Erfahrung geschätzt wird.

Sind Sie interessiert? Bewerben Sie sich! Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen! 





ab 15.08.2023


Kühnauer Str. 24
06846 Dessau-Roßlau


Grundkenntnisse Tiefbau

Persönliche Stärken:



Motivation/ Leistungsbereitschaft

Selbständiges Arbeiten


(Zwingend erforderlich)
Fahrerlaubnis B PKW/Kleinbusse
(alt: FS 3)

Fahrzeug erforderlich:





Nicht erforderlich



Weitere Informationen zur Arbeitszeit:

Homeoffice möglich, wenn es keine Außeneinsätze erfordert

30Tage Urlaub - 40 Wochenstunden

Kontaktieren Sie Park Your Truck, um teil des unternehmens zu werden


Rückfragen und Bewerbung an:

Park Your Truck GmbH

Frau Schuster
Kühnauer Str. 24
06846 Dessau-Roßlau

Gewünschte Bewerbungsarten:


Per E-Mail

Angaben zur Bewerbung:

Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse


Our aim is not only to meet the needs of different user groups, but also to actively contribute to addressing the climate change challenges in the logistics industry. Let's take a look at our sustainable solutions and the diverse offerings this unique car park has to offer.


Direct access to several major trunk roads makes the car park a central hub for drivers, long-distance lorry drivers and local transport in the region. Let's take a look at the motorways that surround our parking area:

A2 motorway

The A2 motorway, also known as the "east-west axis", is one of the most important long-distance roads in Germany. It stretches from Oberhausen in the west to Berlin in the east, thus connecting the Ruhr region with the capital. Wolfsburg is strategically located on the A2 and is thus an important transit point for freight traffic. Many long-distance lorry drivers use this motorway to transport goods and products across Germany.

A7 motorway

The A7 motorway is one of the longest motorways in Germany and runs from Flensburg in the north to Füssen in the south. It is an important part of the European north-south connection and a major route for international freight traffic. Wolfsburg is located on the A7 and is therefore a central point for drivers travelling on this motorway.

Support for local traffic

In addition to long-distance traffic, our car park also plays an important role for local traffic. As a regional motorway, the A39 is a central hub for local transport in Wolfsburg and the surrounding areas. Last-mile drivers, municipal transport and e-car drivers will find secure and reservable charging and parking facilities at our site. The proximity to the A39 makes our car park an ideal place to go for drivers who want to plan their tours in the region and make them efficient.


Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. As part of the logistics industry, we at Park Your Truck have recognised that we too must make our contribution. With our new car park in Wolfsburg, we want to show that sustainable solutions and economic action can go hand in hand. By combining the spaces of several user groups and relying on sustainable technologies, we want to reduce land consumption and minimise the environmental impact.

Space improvement

Our previous concept was that our parking areas were mainly used for parking and pre-storage. We are now radically changing that. The expansion of the areas into so-called multi-user areas is the first step towards sustainability. These spaces will no longer be used purely for parking, but will offer a variety of services and amenities.

Sustainable energy supply

To meet the needs of our users, we are planning and implementing various energy infrastructures at our new car park in Wolfsburg. These include e-charging columns for night charging and fast charging for electric vehicles. Wherever possible, we are roofing the car parks with PV systems in order to be able to produce the necessary electricity for the charging infrastructure partially self-sufficiently on site. This allows us to cover a large part of our energy needs from renewable sources and minimise CO2 emissions.


Der Fokus auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Nutzer ist uns besonders wichtig. Deshalb erweitern wir unseren Parkplatz Wolfsburg um eine breite Palette von Annehmlichkeiten, um den Aufenthalt für Fahrer so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Neben Schranken und einem QR-Code-System für den automatischen Zugang bieten wir Duschen, Toiletten, Kaffee- und Snackautomaten sowie Außensitzplätze. Kostenfreies WLAN ermöglicht den Fahrern, in Kontakt zu bleiben und sich zu entspannen. Zusätzlich wird es Grillplätze geben, um eine gemütliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen.


Through the versatile services, we not only appeal to our existing users, but also tap into new target groups. Last-mile drivers will find safe and reservable charging and parking facilities with us, municipal transports can charge their vehicles, and e-car drivers will find quick-charging columns and battery exchange facilities. Our parking areas thus become a one-stop shop for different vehicle types and uses.


Our own booking system allows drivers and dispatchers to conveniently control space allocation. Spontaneous customers also have the option of using our spaces to efficiently organise their logistics processes.


If you are interested in having one of your spaces operated by Park Your Truck as a multi-user space, or if you have a need for spaces for your logistics processes and requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can make an important contribution to the climate change in the logistics industry and increase the attractiveness of the profession of long-distance driver.

We look forward to your call and to welcoming you to our new car park in Wolfsburg!

Your Park Your Truck Team




Denise Schuster | Founder and CEO




René Stahl | Managing Director

+49 171 9196117


Women Leaders have made indelible marks in various industries, breaking barriers and inspiring countless individuals along their remarkable journeys. Among these trailblazers is Denise Schuster, a visionary entrepreneur and the esteemed CEO of Park Your Truck GmbH. As the founder, Denise’s entrepreneurial spirit continues to drive her forward, igniting growth and innovation in the transportation industry. Her unwavering passion, dedication, and remarkable achievements make Denise Schuster a true icon among the Most Influential Women Leaders, inspiring others to dream big and achieve greatness.

Professional Background

Denise’s professional journey began with her pursuit of business administration. Equipped with her education, she embarked on a path that would remarkably shape her future. One of her early accomplishments involved assisting in establishing an advertising agency, to which she dedicated eight years of her life, eventually rising to the position of managing director. During her tenure, Denise’s agency thrived in the captivating airport and airplane advertising world. Their innovative concepts garnered tremendous success, leading to advisory roles with nearly all German airlines and a handful of foreign carriers. Recognized for her expertise, Denise Schuster was allowed to engage in consultancy work in Kuwait, which she embraced for a transformative year.

Simultaneously, Denise’s passion for sharing knowledge and empowering aspiring entrepreneurs led her to assume the role of a lecturer at various universities. She guided and nurtured budding founders with her consulting firm, equipping them with the tools and insights needed for successful self-employment. This multifaceted involvement allowed Denise to contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of business leaders. In August 2013, Denise’s entrepreneurial spirit reached new heights as she established Park Your Truck.

The Vision and Mission

The idea behind Park Your Truck was initially centered around utilizing private parking spots from those who didn’t require them and making them available to needy individuals. While this concept was initially intended for private parking spaces, it eventually evolved into truck parking. Park Your Truck’s vision is to transform landowners into pioneers for climate-neutral parking. With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, the company aims to revolutionize the truck parking industry by creating eco-friendly solutions.

The mission of Park Your Truck is to identify sealed areas and transform them into functional truck parking locations. By installing charging stations and alternative refueling options, the company ensures the availability of essential amenities for truck drivers. Through their advanced reservation system, these areas are operated as waiting/loading and parking facilities for various types of transport.

Entrepreneurial Journey

Denise Schuster embarked on her remarkable journey in entrepreneurship with a deep-rooted passion and a desire to create her ventures. From an early age, Denise was naturally inclined to explore innovative ideas and assist countless aspiring entrepreneurs as an advisor, nurturing her entrepreneurial spirit. During her MBA studies at TU Munich and UC Berkeley, Denise’s path took an exciting turn. The opportunity presented itself to develop and showcase a groundbreaking concept to potential investors as part of her academic endeavors. What was once a pursuit of enjoyment now transformed into a serious endeavor, igniting the spark within Denise to establish her very own company.

Early Challenging Years

In the early years of Park Your Truck, Denise Schuster embarked on a venture to share private parking spaces. It was 2013, and the share economy was flourishing, with great promise. However, the path ahead proved to be arduous and fraught with challenges. Initially, the idea of sharing private parking spaces seemed appealing, but it soon became evident that profitability was lacking. After a year, investors expressed excitement about the parking market but not the private sector. They urged Denise to explore the scarcity of truck parking spaces and consider positioning the company in that niche. Thus, a pivotal shift occurred, redirecting the business towards truck drivers and their parking needs.

The next seven years would test Denise’s perseverance to the limit. The logistics industry, known for its resistance to change and digitalization, presented a formidable barrier. Being a woman in this male-dominated domain and introducing innovative ideas for finding parking spaces added an extra layer of difficulty. Undeterred, Denise poured her heart and soul into building the company, enduring tremendous sacrifices. For six years, Denise worked tirelessly, dedicating herself to the growth of Park Your Truck, all while forgoing a salary. Such was her unwavering commitment to her vision.

Vision for the Future

With her extensive expertise and experience, Denise Schuster envisions a future filled with innovation and growth for Park Your Truck. Building upon their existing business models at truck parks, Denise plans to spearhead the development of new initiatives centered around charging infrastructure, e-fuels, hydrogen, and additional services for truck drivers. This ambitious undertaking promises an exciting journey ahead as they pave the way for advancements in the industry. Denise recognizes that much work must be done to realize these plans fully. However, she embraces the challenges ahead, viewing them as opportunities for growth and development.

Only Belief Can Ignite the Spark

If Denise’s life story were to be written as a book, she believes, it would aptly be titled “Only Belief Can Ignite the Spark.” This title encapsulates the essence of Denise’s journey as an entrepreneur, highlighting her challenges and her unwavering belief in her ideas. Throughout her entrepreneurial endeavors, Denise often found herself ahead of her time, armed with innovative ideas and bold visions. However, she encountered resistance and skepticism from those around her. The industries she ventured into, especially the ones she sought to establish herself in, were resistant to change, making it difficult for her ideas to be readily accepted. Critics and naysayers were quick to voice their doubts, casting shadows on her visions.

Moreover, Denise Schuster confronted gender bias in the entrepreneurial and investment landscape. Despite being a capable and determined founder, she discovered that investors, particularly institutional ones, often preferred male founders. This biased perception posed an additional hurdle, as she had to overcome stereotypes and prove herself time and time again. Despite these challenges, Denise’s unwavering belief in her ideas and her resilience as an entrepreneur propelled her forward. She persisted in pursuing her vision, undeterred by setbacks and the negativity surrounding her. She refused to be defined by others’ limited perceptions.

Influence of Education

Denise attributes her educational background, particularly her MBA in Entrepreneurship, as instrumental in shaping Park Your Truck. Her education provided her with the knowledge and skills necessary for navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship and creating a successful business. Moreover, Denise’s time at an advertising agency was crucial in honing her business acumen. This experience allowed her to understand the intricacies of building and positioning a company within a niche market. Armed with this expertise, Denise approached the establishment of Park Your Truck with a deep understanding of the importance of strategic positioning and differentiation.

Throughout her entrepreneurial journey, Denise encountered various new experiences that can be particularly risky for start-ups. One such challenge was employee turnover, threatening the company’s knowledge and network base. To mitigate this risk, Denise adopted a unique approach by deliberately selecting employees over the age of 50 who possessed deep roots in their local communities.

By doing so, she secured a team with a wealth of professional experience and a strong commitment to the success of Park Your Truck. This deliberate choice of experienced employees allowed Denise to retain valuable knowledge and contacts within the company for the long term. The seasoned professionals she employed brought their wealth of expertise to the table, ensuring that Park Your Truck could thrive and grow sustainably.

Personal Life’s Influence

Denise’s entrepreneurial journey has been shaped by her life experiences, which have played a pivotal role in fueling her drive and determination. As a single mother raising a 7-year-old son, Denise’s personal and professional responsibilities intertwined. However, she credits her ability to manage both successfully to the support she received from her parents.

In a remarkable display of support, her father made the selfless decision to leave his job, freeing Denise from additional burdens and allowing her to focus entirely on building her business. The absence of previous entrepreneurs in her family and the absence of existential risks associated with their jobs did not deter Denise from pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams. Instead, she drew inspiration and determination from her circumstances.

Reflections and Lessons

As Denise Schuster reflects on her journey, she realizes the significance of taking breaks and allowing herself time to be inspired by the world around her. Encouraging one to explore other countries, engage with diverse individuals, and learn from different stories and business models, Denise believes that these experiences foster creativity and offer fresh perspectives.

Regarding leadership, She emphasizes the importance of always having a plan B. Recognizing that not all endeavors go as planned, Denise underlines the need for alternative strategies. Having a backup plan ensures security for new business ideas and instills confidence in her employees. They understand that encountering obstacles or receiving a “no” does not signify the end but rather an opportunity to pivot and implement an alternative approach.

Current Standing and Growth Trajectory

Park Your Truck hat sich als ein führender Akteur in der Lkw-Parkplatzbranche etabliert. Mit einem Team von 14 Mitarbeitern und Niederlassungen in Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien ist das Unternehmen auf mehreren europäischen Märkten tätig. Das Unternehmen hat 20.000 neue Stellplätze eingeführt, um der wachsenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden, und ist zum europäischen Marktführer im Bereich Lkw-Parken aufgestiegen. Der Umsatz des Unternehmens ist bemerkenswert gewachsen, was die starke finanzielle Leistung und die Anerkennung des Unternehmens auf dem Markt unterstreicht.

Over the years, Park Your Truck has experienced an impressive growth trajectory. While initially taking time to establish a presence, the company has recently gained significant momentum. Its revenue more than doubled from 2021 to 2022, demonstrating their accelerated expansion and success in meeting the needs of truck drivers and transport operators.

Key to Long-Standing Success

Park Your Truck has achieved long-standing success due to its strategic approach and forward-thinking vision. The company recognized the untapped potential in utilizing existing sealed spaces for truck parking, which set them apart from the market. Securing prime locations along motorways addressed the pressing issue of insufficient truck parking spaces.

Park Your Truck has achieved long-standing success due to its strategic approach and forward-thinking vision. The company recognized the untapped potential in utilizing existing sealed spaces for truck parking, which set them apart from the market. Securing prime locations along motorways addressed the pressing issue of insufficient truck parking spaces.

Post-pandemic Shifts

From the perspective of Park Your Truck, the pandemic presented unexpected opportunities. With stadiums, trade fair grounds, and airport grounds left empty during lockdowns, the company was able to secure coveted sites for truck parking. This solved the shortage of truck parking spaces and allowed the owners of these idle sites to generate income. The pandemic-driven shift in utilizing vacant spaces for parking has proven to be a successful business model for Park Your Truck.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Denise Schuster has a valuable message for budding entrepreneurs. She believes that failure is not an indication of being a failed entrepreneur but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. Denise emphasizes that failures provide valuable lessons that propel individuals further along their entrepreneurial journey. Rather than fearing failure, she encourages entrepreneurs to embrace it as a positive experience.

According to her, the key lies in failing faster, as it leads to accelerated learning. Through rapid iterations and adaptations, entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights into what customers truly want and what the market is willing to accept. Through this process of trial and error, a solid business model can emerge—one that aligns with customer needs and finds success in the marketplace.

“The mission of Park Your Truck is to identify sealed areas daily and transform them into functional truck parking locations.”

This article was published by CIO Women Magazine, which chose Denise Schuster as one of the most influential female executives.

To keep the profession of driving attractive to both current and future professionals, it is imperative that companies invest in quality rest areas. The German company Park Your Truck has therefore concluded affordable contracts for entrepreneurs that allow them to provide their drivers with nearby rest areas free of charge. In the Netherlands, the company has created the first opportunity at its Truckstop Venlo location. Here, drivers will find a modern parking facility with all amenities, including 24/7 surveillance.

Park Your Truck is Europe's largest operator of truck parking facilities and offers them close to its customers' depots or production sites. Denise Schuster (DE), Managing Director of Park Your Truck, explains: "We not only create truck parking spaces throughout Europe, but also support existing truck stops in filling empty parking spaces. At night, of course, these are fully booked, but during the day there are often plenty of empty spaces."

According to Schuster, however, there are many drivers who have to wait during the day before they can get to a loading bay because they cannot keep to their allocated time slot due to traffic situations. "When drivers arrive too early or too late, they often have to wait for hours before they can still deliver or pick up their goods. This gives them the feeling of being 'punished' when in reality they have no control over the situation that has arisen. In many European cities, including Venlo, this creates the problem of 'wild parking' along streets and in residential areas. According to Schuster, this leads to unsafe situations and nuisances, both for the surrounding area and for the drivers themselves. "Drivers often don't have the financial means to use existing rest areas, which means they don't have access to sanitary facilities and restaurants." That's why Park Your Truck approaches businesses in the area and offers them contracts that allow their drivers to use the rest stops for free during the day. Businesses rent a certain number of parking spaces for a fixed monthly fee, regardless of how long drivers stay between 7am and 6pm. The cost per month is 1,500 euros for 10 spaces, 2,900 euros for 20 spaces and 4,300 euros for 30 spaces. "For these modest amounts, entrepreneurs cannot set up their own truck car park with all the facilities," Schuster said.

She stressed that it is the responsibility of entrepreneurs to offer these facilities to drivers. "However, it is not a government obligation for entrepreneurs to provide waiting rooms on their own premises. This is understandable because building a bigger warehouse on their property is often more profitable. However, as a business, you contribute to the problem of 'wild parking' by ordering and shipping goods. Therefore, we believe that business owners should take responsibility and bear the costs.



According to Schuster, a change in thinking is needed among entrepreneurs who want to retain drivers. "A few years ago, entrepreneurs got away scot-free without finding solutions to the driver shortage. Now, however, the driver shortage is huge: 50,000 additional drivers are currently needed in Europe, and in 10 years this number will rise to 200,000. This is mainly due to the large number of drivers retiring, leaving a relatively small group of young drivers to do all the work. Eastern Europe has already largely exhausted its driver pool, as there are already a large number of people working in this profession there. In the meantime, they are even considering recruiting people from the Philippines and India for this purpose. If entrepreneurs want to continue using drivers in the future, it is essential to offer them a comfortable rest area with facilities. In Germany, our concept is already a success, and we hope that this will soon be the case in Venlo as well."



Freek Kusters (advisor industrial estates municipality of Venlo) is positive about the role of Park Your Truck in filling the parking spaces at the recently expanded truckstop Venlo. "Thanks to the intensive cooperation between owner Ton de Lang, Park Your Truck and the municipality of Venlo, the Venlo Truckstop has been developed into a Truckstop 2.0 where truck drivers can reserve a space at any time of the day for a 'full service' and a safe overnight stay. This is good for truck drivers and good for the Greenport Venlo logistics location, where just-in-time transport plays a central role."


This article was published in the Dutch magazine zakenblad on 6 July 2023.

Venlo is a Dutch city located directly on the German border. Venlo‘s proximity to Germany makes it a popular shopping destination for Germans, but also for visitors from nearby Belgium. A large and varied retail trade has established itself. A total of 5 motorways lead to and through Venlo (A40, A60, A67, A73, A74). This makes Venlo one of the most important points for delivery traffic. Park Your Truck has made it its mission to improve the situation for delivery traffic. For this purpose they offer 350 daytime truck parking spaces exclusively at the Truckparking Venlo parking site. Delivery traffic can use this parking space to wait before or after ramp operations. The system responsible for handling the parking is practical and straightforward. First you reserve the number of trucks that have to wait in front of the logistics yard every day. 10 trucks per day for € 1,500 per month, 20 trucks for € 2,900 per month, 30 trucks for € 4,300 per month ... Large signs will be placed in front of the two entrances to the site, which drivers can use to authorise themselves with a QR code and their booking number, for example, and gain free access to the car park. After the QR code has been scanned, the driver can be assigned to a deliverer based on the truck‘s registration number. In the car park, the driver can use the toilets, showers and the large restaurant. As a result, Park Your Truck also improves the situation for truck drivers.

Park Your Truck is the largest parking operator in Europe with more than 20,000 parking spaces. Their delivery solution helps to improve drivers‘ working conditions and put an end to wild parking in industrial areas and municipalities.

Contact Park Your Truck to discuss your parking needs in Venlo or elsewhere:

Denise Schuster | Founder and CEO



LKW-Fahrer sind mit den Herausforderungen der Parkplatzsuche zur Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Ruhezeiten nur allzu vertraut. Häufig sind die vorhandenen Rastmöglichkeiten überfüllt, veraltet oder bieten nur wenig Komfort. Doch jetzt gibt es eine bahnbrechende Lösung, die die Art und Weise, wie LKW-Fahrer parken, revolutioniert: "Park your Truck". Entwickelt von Denise Schuster, bietet dieses Konzept komfortable und moderne Parkmöglichkeiten, die LKW-Fahrer begeistern werden. 

Revolutionäre Lösung für LKW-Fahrer: Effiziente Parkplatzsuche und Reservierung 

"Park your Truck" erleichtert LKW-Fahrern die Parkplatzsuche erheblich. Die innovative Software und zugehörige App ermöglichen eine effiziente Suche nach freien Stellplätzen und die bequeme Reservierung im Voraus. Dies spart den Fahrern nicht nur Zeit, sondern reduziert auch den CO₂-Ausstoß, der durch eine längere Parkplatzsuche entstehen würde. Die Nutzung von "Park your Truck" trägt auch zur Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Vorgabe von maximal neun Stunden Lenkzeit pro Tag bei und reduziert somit das Unfallrisiko. Das Konzept wird bereits in mehreren Ländern angeboten und umfasst mittlerweile 20.000 Stellplätze.  

Sicherheit und Komfort auf höchstem Niveau: Ein entspanntes Erlebnis für Fahrer 

Die Besonderheit von "Park your Truck" liegt in der Kombination von Sicherheit und Komfort. Die Parkplätze sind optimal geschützt durch Flächenumzäunung oder natürliche Begrenzungen. Zugfahrtbeschränkungen und Schranken mit QR-Codes ermöglichen bequeme Ein- und Ausfahrt rund um die Uhr. Videoüberwachung und Beleuchtung sorgen für zusätzliche Sicherheit. Die Energie- und Treibstoffversorgung ist state-of-the-art, mit E-Ladestationen, Bio-LNG- und Wasserstofftankstellen für eine reibungslose Weiterfahrt. Zusätzlich sind Toiletten, Duschen, Snackautomaten, Kaffeeautomaten und Außensitzplätze verfügbar. Kostenlose W-LAN-Verbindungen, Outdoor-Fitnessgeräte und Grillplätze bieten Entspannungsmöglichkeiten. "Park your Truck" Rastplätze bieten modernen Komfort für eine erholsame Pause. 

Win-Win-Situation für Gemeinden und Parkplatzbetreiber: Nachhaltigkeit und verbesserte Verkehrssituation 

"Park your Truck" ist nicht nur für LKW-Fahrer attraktiv, sondern auch für Gemeinden und Parkplatzbetreiber. Oftmals finden Fahrer in den Abend- und Nachtstunden keinen freien Stellplatz und müssen auf Gewerbegebiete ausweichen, um ihre gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Ruhezeiten einzuhalten. Dies führt zu Staus an Raststätten und wildem Parken in belebten Gebieten. Durch die Errichtung von neuen "Park your Truck" LKW-Parkplätzen auf ungenutzten Flächen innerhalb einer Gemeinde kann wildes Parken vermieden und das Müllaufkommen reduziert werden. Die Anforderungen für neue Parkplätze sind minimal und beinhalten eine freie Stellfläche mit festem Boden und ausreichend Toiletten in unmittelbarer Nähe zu den Stellplätzen. Gemeinden und Parkplatzbetreiber haben somit die Möglichkeit, mit "Park your Truck" ein modernes und innovatives Konzept umzusetzen und gleichzeitig eine saubere Umwelt und angenehme Arbeitsbedingungen für Berufskraftfahrer zu fördern.

Dieser Artikel wurde am 21. Juni 2023 vom Berliner Tageblatt in der Rubrik Wirtschaftsnachrichten veröffentlicht.



Denise Schuster is a prominent figure in the logistics industry, known for her exceptional leadership and expertise in the field. Schuster has made significant contributions to the industry, serving as a role model and inspiration for women leaders around the world. As the Founder and CEO at Park Your Truck GmbH, she has played a pivotal role in driving growth and transformation for the company, helping to establish it as one of the leading providers of secure parking solutions for trucks and commercial vehicles in Germany. Schuster’s accomplishments and dedication to the logistics industry have earned her numerous accolades and awards, and she continues to be a driving force in the industry, championing innovation, diversity, and inclusion.
During her MBA Entrepreneurship program at TU Munich and UC Berkeley, students were tasked with developing a business idea and implementing it throughout their studies, and her group conceptualized the idea of sharing private parking spaces, which aligned with the Share Economy megatrend. Encouraged by the positive response to the idea, Ms. Schuster founded the company based on this concept in the year 2013, and a year later the company shifted its focus on to the really pressing problems of parking. This is how Park Your Truck progressed from catering to private parking seekers to addressing the urgent parking challenges faced by truck drivers. Through this step the real facts revolving around the driving time restrictions and a shortage of thousands of parking spaces, and the tremendous difficulties truck drivers face came out into the open, and all thanks to Park Your Truck a big problem was addressed. Adding a point on this Ms. Schuster shared - “We revolutionized the approach to parking by transforming landowners into parking operators and utilizing digital reservation systems to create 20,000 new parking spaces across Europe”. She continued - “As a result, we have become the largest truck parking operator in Europe, providing a practical solution to the parking challenges faced by truck drivers”.


The only way out is through, let’s do it together

Just like any other company, the initial days were a bit tricky for Park Your Truck during the pandemic. But under Ms. Schuster’s capable leadership and guidance, the Company eventually overcame it. Fortunately, the period of the pandemic resulted in a significant increase in the number of available parking spaces that the Company had been unsuccessfully trying to secure for years. The closure of trade fairs, stadiums, and airports created an opportunity for Park Your Truck to offer these spaces to their parking customers. This positive experience motivated Ms. Schuster and her company to continue to provide these spaces even after the pandemic, resulting in a mutually beneficial situation for everyone. She added - “My personal belief is that it is unnecessary to develop new areas for truck parking as there is already enough sealed space in the market that we can utilize. Although these areas may be occupiedduring the day, they are often unoccupied at night when there is the greatest need for parking”. Also, during a brief conversation, Ms. Schuster highlighted that their approach is well-received by landowners, who understand the benefits of repurposing existing spaces for marketing purposes. Park Your Truck has its headquarters in Germany with two offices located there, and has expanded its operations to the UK, France, Spain and Italy with its own company in each country. Currently, the company employs a total of 13 individuals and Ms. Schuster, as the founder, is personally available to all employees every day. This is of great importance to her, as their unique employee structure and hiring philosophy is centered around only hiring individuals over the age of 50 and exclusively those who are personally known to the staff or recommended by other employees. The wealth of experience and knowledge that the employees of Park Your Truck bring from their previous careers, even if they were in different industries, is a valuable asset Ms. Schuster exclaims.

Looking Ahead

Going down the lane Ms. Schuster aims to address the challenges posed by climate change through their parking spaces by providing not only parking solutions, but also charging and refueling options for vehicles using alternative fuels such as bio-LNG and hydrogen at their car parks. Already knowing the fact that this endeavor requires significant investments, which Park Your Truck is currently pursuing investors for, the Company looks forward towards utilization of clean electricity as independent of the grid as possible. In other news, Park Your Truck has already implemented solar roofs to cover their areas, and hired new employees with expertise in the energy market to further develop their car parks. In the upcoming year, Park Your Truck plans to electrify 200 sites for last-mile transport and 13 sites per year for 40-tonne trucks across Europe. Lastly, the Company is also expanding their reservation system to make the charging stations reservable for their customers, and Ms. Schuster herself is extremely pumped talking about the various developments that will enable the company to play a part in promoting sustainable transportation practices.

On a Personal Level Ms. Schuster is a mother of a son who has just started school, which is perhaps a very exciting time for her. Also, she loves traveling and is an avid newspaper reader. Above all, she is keen about various economic topics and how people and companies develop things that improve all our lives. That always gives her a good feeling, which eventually transforms into trying hard to make a difference with her company.

Dieser Artikel ist Teil einer Sonderedition über "Die einflussreichsten, weiblichen Führungskräfte im Jahr 2023" des kanadischen Wirtschaftsmagazins The Victory Magazine.

My personal belief is that it is unnecessary to develop new areas for truck parking as there is already enough sealed space in the market that we can utilize. Although these areas may be occupied during the day, they are often unoccupied at night when there is the greatest need for parking


Vorbericht der Lausitzwelle 19.04.2023


Bestes Wetter und gute Laune! Für Trucker ist ein besonders moderner und innovativer Parkplatz an der Autobahn A4 am westlichen Tor Bautzens entstanden. Am Freitag, dem 21. April 2023, wurde nahe dem Kreisverkehr Dreistern nun die Parkfläche für 69 LKW-Stellplätze freigegeben. Nach einem Jahr Bauzeit und einem Investitionsvolumen von 2,5 Millionen Euro, inklusive Förderung durch den Freistaat Sachsen, hat Bautzens Umland nun ein komfortables Angebot für Fernfahrer erhalten. Maßgeblich beteiligt an dem Projekt war die Bautzener Firma BauCom GmbH. Für den Betreiber des Parkplatzes, die Park Your Truck GmbH aus Dessau-Rosslau, war es deutschlandweit die erste Eröffnung eines komplett neu gebauten Parkplatzes nach diesem Modell. Dieses zeichnet sich durch einen modernen Komfort aus: Sicheres Parken durch Umzäunung, Beleuchtung und Videoüberwachung sowie Sanitäreinrichtungen, Duschen und kostenfreies Wlan sorgen für ein angenehmes Rasten der Fernfahrer. Zudem kann das Imbissangebot auch öffentlich genutzt werden.

Bürgermeister Dr. Robert Böhmer weihte den neuen Parkplatz mit ein: „Hier ist eine einzigartige moderne Parkmöglichkeit für Transit-Fahrer entstanden. Dieser Parkplatz entlastet das Gewerbegebiet in Salzenforst und die Stadt selbst mit Blick auf die Parkplatzsuche der Trucks und Transitfahrzeuge. Bemerkenswert sind hier die innovative Ausstattung und der Service. In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich mich auch für die schnelle Planung und Umsetzung der beteiligten Unternehmen und bei der Gemeinde Göda bedanken. Dieses Projekt untermauert zudem unser festes politisches Anliegen, dass die Verkehrsinfrastruktur der Bundesautobahn A4 ausgebaut werden muss.“, so der Vertreter des Bautzener Rathauses.

Pressemitteilungen der Stadt Bautzen


Hanse Globe Sonderpreis
Deutscher Ideenpreis
Phase 1 im 
EU-Wettbewerb Horizon 2020
©  Park Your Truck GmbH


Hanse Globe Sonderpreis
Deutscher Ideenpreis
Phase 1 im 
EU-Wettbewerb Horizon 2020
©  Park Your Truck GmbH
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